esen +34 952 514 004 L - V 10:00 - 14:00 ; 15:00 - 18:00 | S: 10:00 - 18:00 | D 10:00 - 15:00 Diseminado Chilches Rural, 84, Benajarafe, Málaga

The end of winter is approaching, and with it as every year, it is time to fertilize our plants to prepare them for the summer season, so that they resist summer and high temperatures, with strength and vigor. That is why we wanted to bring you this MegaPost, where we tell you a little about this art.


Compost or fertilizer is a compound of an organic or chemical nature that is used to give plants the nutrients they need for proper development.


There is a classification of types of fertilizers according to their use and composition, so we have to differentiate between the different fertilizers that have been created to understand the function of each one with respect to the nutrients they provide to the plants, highlighting that there are fertilizers organic and mineral fertilizers or chemical fertilizers.


This is the most recommended and used type of fertilizer, since they are usually safer than mineral fertilizers or chemical fertilizers. On the other hand, this type of fertilizer can be created in a simple way, so this makes it the ideal type of fertilizer to provide resources to the land where the plants are located.

We can distinguish the following types of organic fertilizers:

●     Manure:

It is organic matter of animal origin, mainly from herbivorous animals. The most used or common are cow, horse, goat and chicken manure.

●     Compost:

This fertilizer is obtained through human food waste such as vegetable peels or skins, leftovers, etc.

Para convertir los desechos en compost, la materia prima ha de pasar primero por un procesado de compostado.

●     Peat:

There are two types of this organic fertilizer, so we must distinguish between black peat and blond peat, both of which are more commonly used when working with pot or seedlings fertilizer.

●     Humic extracts:

This compost is prepared based on humic and fulvic acids extracted from organic substances, being very good for strengthening the soil and making it much more fertile.

The most widespread humic extract in use is worm castings.

●     Other organic fertilizers:

It is important to note that as fertilizer we can also use crushed bones as flour; blood meal that turns out to be a compost containing high levels of nitrogen; crushed horns which is a compost that also provides a high nitrogen content; remains of crops that have already been completed, remains of pruning, on the other hand we would have green manures, which are plants that grow in the soil to be cultivated in order to protect it; sewage sludge; buried straw… etc.


●     Conventional mineral fertilizers:

These have been created based on chemical compounds such as Urea, which is a colorless and crystalline chemical compound, Ammonium sulfate, this being a different type of salt that plays an important role as fertilizer, Ammonium nitrate, another type of salt formed by nitrate and ammonium ions. , Sodium nitrate that serves to form saltpeter together with potassium chloride, Potassium chloride which is a halide formed by chlorine and potassium and finally Superphosphate which is known as a fertilizer created by the combination of phosphorus and calcium.

●     Organomineral fertilizers:

This type of fertilizer has arisen through the combination of organic matter with mineral nutrients such as the chemical elements Nitrogen, Magnesium, Manganese, Potassium, among others, whose presentation is offered for sale in powder or granules that are housed in sacks, This type of fertilizer being one of the most suitable for strengthening both the soil and the plant in general.   

●     Slow release fertilizers:

This type of fertilizer dissolves little by little as it expels the nutrients in the soil for a few months, being a kind of fertilizer that fulfills the function in an optimal way and that represents a much more durable product in the way in which it performs its function, which is why it is the most expensive fertilizer of all, but the most optimal and effective too, being able to choose between Osmocote, Nutricote, Nitrofoska Stabil, among others.

●     Liquid fertilizers and for fertigation:

They are used in a functional way in irrigation water, it turns out to be essential when it comes to cultivating and harvesting, in this sense, this type of fertilizer turns out to be a liquid substance that allows the distribution of nutrients to all plants through a optimal system.       

●     Foliar fertilizers:

This type of fertilizer is incorporated into the plant through a process of spraying the nutrients on it, having the function of providing certain types of nutrients in specific nutrients such as Iron, Copper, Manganese, essential for the strengthening of the plant. type of fertilizer is applied exactly on the leaf.

To learn more about this type of fertilizer, we must understand that it is applied to the plant as a chemical diluted in water that is specifically added to the leaves and stem of the plant, allowing to see changes in the plant as quickly as possible.

In this way, we must highlight among those that make up this type of fertilizer, the mineral salts that include sulfates, chlorides and nitrates; and chelates, which turn out to be organic compounds that can be combined with a metal cation.

●     Deficiency correctors:

This type of fertilizer has been created to directly eradicate the problem that the plant has, that is, it has been created to specifically correct or remedy any type of deficiency that the plant presents in terms of a missing nutrient.


Now, based on everything that we have explained about the types of compost that exist and the way in which they are used on the ground and on plants, it is important to know the benefits of each one and the way in which they should be used, in order to understand which one is best suited to each situation.

In this sense, we must understand that each type of fertilizer has its own process, that is, its particular way of working and solving a specific problem on plants, so we must understand that some work more slowly than others, and that some point to a specific effect while others act in a general way on the whole plant.

For example, organic fertilizers have to be used in a slow process where no immediacy is needed to obtain the product, this is because they work in small quantities and slowly providing all the benefits that plants need, taking into account that their function lies in improving the land, making it optimal to reap good fruits.

For this reason, this type of fertilizer is used more particularly before planting the plant, preparing the ground so that it is in optimal conditions for growing the plants.

On the other hand, we have to find that being chemical or mineral fertilizers that provide nutrients directly to the plant, improving any need for it in a specific way, they turn out to be the types of fertilizer that act much more fast, being ideal for keeping the plant in perfect condition, anticipating possible deficiencies that may cause the lack of certain nutrients.

For its part, we must also understand that fertilizer is used in plants because they need a stimulus, care that helps them grow, that is, all plants need nutrients to grow strong and healthy.

Given this, we determine that most of the fertilizers that we have to use must contain 3 nutrients that are necessary and that must be essential in the crop, such as Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium.

And in turn, it is essential to add elements such as Magnesium, Boron, Iron, among others, in order to avoid the appearance of deficiencies and with it, serious problems.

The truth is that the use of compost turns out to be one of the essential processes to carry out in order to enjoy strong and healthy plants.

It is necessary that the land receives a treatment prior to cultivation, to continue with a maintenance fertilizer or fertilization.

In short, the use of fertilizer must be a priority and much attention must be paid to understand which one adapts to the situation in which we find ourselves, proving to be more convenient for our plants.

Here we leave you as a short and quick summary a video of someone that will be super familiar to you and that for us becomes a kind of myth 💪😂 The Gardener of Bricomanía (a Spanish TV Show from the late 90s), that man who made many people become fond of the wonderful world of gardening.


Making organic compost at home is very easy, because to carry it out you do not need more than the leftovers of the meals we prepare, since they are usually the best ingredient to nourish the land in a productive way, making it fertile for cultivation.

Given this, we must distinguish that the easiest way to fertilize the soil is by directly throwing the waste on it, and although it works, carrying out the complete process to create compost is much more efficient in terms of the proportion of nutrients on the soil. same by creating compost.

In this way, we have to understand that, to carry out the transformation process, that is, to make this type of compost of any organic waste, a container that is selected only for this must be sought, opening a series of holes in the surface and place between 4 or 5 fingers of soil inside.

Next, organic waste is added, which should be the remains of vegetables, fruits or vegetables, never parts of animals or their wastes. Soil is poured over it again and every so often it is stirred so that everything can be compacted well.

If after a few weeks some insects such as worms or flies begin to appear in the compost that we are processing, it is not a situation to worry about, as this indicates that the process is taking place optimally.

And just when the earth begins to get very dark and when the waste has completely decomposed, it is the right moment in which we can start using our homemade compost on the land we want to cultivate.

An important fact to make the process much more efficient is that this type of homemade compost should have a smell of wet earth, nothing too strong or rotten. This smell indicates that the home composting process has been followed correctly.

On the other hand, it is important to know what ingredients we can make this fertilizer, so we have to highlight some homemade fertilizers that turn out to be the most effective:

  •        Banana peel fertilizer:

The banana peel is one of the most efficient organic wastes in terms of providing nutrients to the earth because of its high potassium content. You just have to chop the peels, bring them to a boil and then sprinkle the water on the plants is the best way to nourish your plants.

  •        Apple cider vinegar fertilizer:

This vinegar contains acetic acid which is ideal for fertilizing plants, especially those found in acidic soil, so it is enough to add a tablespoon of vinegar to the water with which the plants are watered and voila, we have enough fertilizer efficient.

  •        Eggshell fertilizer:

With a high calcium index, crushing these peels and burying them in the soil to be fertilized, will protect the plants from the possible rot that they can go through, in addition to nourishing them to a great extent.

  •        Compost with algae:

Although it is not one of the most used fertilizers or most prepared in a homemade way, it turns out to be very effective due to the properties it provides to the plants, as it keeps them healthy, in good condition and very productive, so it is enough to just chop the algae and place them in water leaving them to rest for at least two or three weeks, after this the water is used on the plants and that’s it.

With these ideas, making homemade compost will no longer be a problem, since we have realized that they are ingredients that we have at hand and that many times we only throw them away because we do not have knowledge about what can be done with them. .

The truth is that organic compost turns out to be the most ideal way to fertilize plants in a natural and healthy way, leaving chemicals aside.

So dare to prepare your own compost and start to see the change in your plants.

Well and so far with the post … We sincerely hope that you liked it and that it helps you learn to pamper your plants a little more … As always, we remind you that, for any questions or queries, you can contact us through of our usual ways. In addition to this, you can come to visit us at our Garden Center, located in Benajarafe, and thus receive a more personalized treatment. Our team of professionals will be happy to assist you.